Monday, July 18, 2016

Adventures with Dot

Dot is our 12 week old collie puppy.  We adopted her because our golden retriever (Ollie) is 12 years old and we expect to only have 2-3 more years with him.  Our goal was to have Dot "learn the ropes" from Ollie and to also be a new playmate for him.

We had no idea that Dot would come in and quickly become the Alpha dog in our household.  She barks, nips, and pushes Ollie out of the way on a constant basis.  Unfortunately, Ollie doesn't fight back.

Both my wife and I felt bad for Ollie.  If we had known that Dot would be like this, we never would have gotten her.  We would have waited until Ollie passed away.

I'm not saying Dot is a bad dog by any means...she's just a puppy and is learning things every day.

I was probably Dot's smallest supporter in the beginning.  She nipped my wife and kids, had "accidents" in the house, and couldn't seem to sleep through the night without having to go outside and empty her bladder.

However, as each day goes by, I've noticed her learning more and more.  She is finally learning her name, we can unhook her leash (it's still attached to her collar) and let her walk around our yard on her own, and she's becoming more and more comfortable with new people and sounds.

The first few days of having Dot in our family, I thought for sure we had made a big mistake.  I'm still not 100% on board with her, but there is definitely hope.

To be continued...

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