Sunday, July 17, 2016

My Fitness Journey

Even if you can't see the results in front of you, every single effort is changing your body from the inside...Never get discouraged!

Fitness.  It’s been something that, despite how I’ve looked in the past (I was 272 lbs. on my wedding day); I’ve always been interested in.
I would get the motivation to begin a workout regimen every now and then.  I joined a gym a couple of times, I’d start a running program every now and then, and sometimes I would work out with weights that we had at home.  My wife and I even did a Weight Watchers program a few years ago.
Sometimes these programs would work (I lost a total of 63 lbs with Weight Watchers…but then stopped doing it and gained most of it back), and some didn’t.  The problem with all of these though is that I didn’t keep them up.  Either I would become ill and stopped for an extended period of time, frustrated at the lack of weight loss, or I just woke up one day and didn’t feel like working out so I made up an excuse in my mind.
The point is that I lacked discipline and vision.  I lacked the discipline to continue with my workouts and healthy eating.  I also lacked the vision to see that, even if I couldn’t see my body changing physically, I was changing mentally.  I was paying too much attention to the number on the bathroom scale and not enough to how much better I was feeling.
All of that changed on Friday August 21st, 2015.  That was the day I decided to give up drinking pop.  I was drinking at least one a day for who know how long, so I decided to set an easily attainable goal…do not drink any pop that weekend (2 days).
Happily, I made it through the weekend without any pop and accomplished my goal.  For a short time, I thought about rewarding myself for achieving my goal with a pop.  It got me thinking though…If I made it all weekend without drinking a pop…can I make it all week?
Well, one week turned into a month.  One month turned into two months.  Before I knew it, I had made it to Christmas without drinking a single drop of pop.  By this time there was no way I was going break my streak.
Christmas is when I also got my Fitbit as a gift.  My Fitbit is like those WWJD bracelets.  It isn’t going to make me get healthy or watch what I eat for me.  It will give me the tools to help me get fit.  And wearing it on my wrist will help remind me daily to keep on track.
Over the course of the next months, I was working out with weights 4-6 times a week, using the stationary bike we had sitting in our living room at least 5 times a week, and eating nutritious food.  By the time we left for vacation at the end of March I was down 26 lbs and feeling great.
I’m proud to say that working out and eating right has become a habit for me now.  I’ll still have the occasional cookie or slice of cake.  When we go out to eat I’ll have a burger if I want.  As long as I’m honest with myself though and accounting for the food I put into my body I’m happy.
And that is what’s most important.

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